秦 磊 副教授






2014.09 - 2016.12 对外经济贸易大学统计学院,讲师

2016.12 - 至今 对外经济贸易大学统计学院,副教授

2018.11 - 至今 对外经济贸易大学统计学院,博士生导师


本科STA403数据挖掘与统计计算;STA207 MATLAB基础及应用



[1] 谢邦昌, 秦磊. L1L2规则化趋势滤波的稳健估计[J]. 商业经济与管理, 2013(8): 84-97.

[2] 秦磊, 马景义, 谢邦昌. 含有自适应筛选系数的广义经验模态分解方法[J]. 数理统计与管理, 2013, 32(6): 1002-1012.

[3] 秦磊, 谢邦昌. L1L2规则化趋势滤波的稳健集成方法[J]. 统计研究, 2013, 30(11): 99-102.

[4] 秦磊, 谢邦昌. Lq规则化趋势滤波[J]. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2014(5): 151-161.

[5] 陈晓毅, 秦磊. 基于经验模态分解和广义可加模型的双变量频率结构影响研究[J]. 统计与决策, 2015 (2): 26-29.

[6] 秦磊, 谢邦昌. L1L2分位数趋势滤波及其集成方法[J]. 数理统计与管理, 2015, 34(3):442-451.

[7] 秦磊, 谢邦昌. Logistic回归的ArctanLASSO惩罚似然估计及应用[J]. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2015(6): 135-146.

[8] 苏治, 秦磊, 方彤. 含有图结构约束的稀疏最小方差资产组合模型[J]. 中国管理科学, 2015, 23(9): 65-70.

[9] 秦磊, 谢邦昌. 谷歌流感趋势的成功与失误[J]. 统计研究, 2016, 33(2): 107-110.

[10] 苏治, 方彤, 秦磊. 一种基于规则化方法的最优稀疏指数追踪模型设计[J]. 数量经济技术经济研究, 2016(4): 145-160.

[11] Qin L, Ma S, Lin J C, Shia B C. Lasso regression based on empirical mode decomposition[J]. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2016, 45(4): 1281-1294. (IF:0.457)

[12] 秦磊, 杨晶, 谢邦昌. 基于ArctanLASSO的参数估计和变量选取[J]. 中国科学: 数学, 2016, 46(6): 853-866.

[13] 秦磊, 熊巍, 田茂再. 大数据下Leverage重要性抽样方法的稳健改进[J]. 统计研究, 2016, 33(8): 101-105.

[14] 李扬, 秦磊, 谢邦昌. 水到渠成——医疗大数据[J]. 中国统计, 2017 (6): 10-11.

[15] 李扬, 秦磊, 谢邦昌. 中国人的运动健康大数据[J]. 中国统计, 2017 (7): 14-15.

[16] 秦磊, 夏传信, 施建军. 异质性数据下广义线性模型的Maximin似然比估计及应用[J]. 统计研究, 2018, 35(6): 109-116.

[17] Qin L, Kao Y W, Lin Y L, et al. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis may be a precursor or risk factor for specific cancers: A casecontrol frequencymatched study[J]. Cancer Medicine, 2018, 7(8): 4104-4114. (IF:3.357)

[18] Qin L, Kao Y W, Lin Y L, et al. Combination of recurrent oral aphthae and dry eye syndrome may constitute an independent risk factor for oral cavity cancer in elderly women[J]. Cancer Management and Research, 2018(10): 3273–3281. (IF:2.243)

[19] Qin L, Chen T M, Kao Y W, et al. Predicting 90-Day Mortality in Locoregionally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma after Curative Surgery[J]. Cancers, 2018, 10(10):392. (IF:6.162)

[20] Chang W W, Hsiao P K, Qin L, et al. Treatment outcomes for unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Nationwide, population-based, cohort study based on propensity score matching with the Mahalanobis metric[J]. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2018(11): 284-292. (IF:5.252)

[21] Hsiao Y, Qin L, Lin Y. Do Unsolicited Bank Credit Ratings Matter to Bank Leverage Decision? Evidence from Asian Countries[M]. Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019(7): 231-253.

[22] Yu J M, Hsieh M C, Qin L, et al. Metformin reduces radiation-induced cardiac toxicity risk in patients having breast cancer[J]. American Journal of Cancer Research. 2019, 9(5): 1017-1026. (IF:5.177)

[23] 秦磊, 郁静, 孙强. 混频时间序列的潜在因子分析及其应用[J]. 统计研究, 2019, 36(9): 104-114.

[24] Xia C X, Kao Y W, Qin L, et al. Cancer risk in chronic rhinosinusitis: a propensity score matched case-control cohort study[J]. American Journal of Translational Research, 2019, 11(11): 7146-7156. (IF:3.375)

[25] Shia B C, Qin L (Joint first authors), Lin K C, et al. Age comorbidity scores as risk factors for 90-day mortality in patients with a pancreatic head adenocarcinoma receiving a pancreaticoduodenectomy: A National Population-Based Study[J]. Cancer Medicine, 2020, 9: 562-574. (IF: 3.491)

[26] Shia B C, Qin L (Joint first authors), Lin K C, et al. Outcomes for Elderly Patients Aged 70 to 80 Years or Older with Locally Advanced Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Propensity Score–Matched, Nationwide, Oldest Old Patient–Based Cohort Study[J]. Cancers, 2020, 12: 258. (IF: 6.126)

[27] Qin L, Sun Q, Wang Y, et al. Prediction of Number of Cases of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Using Social Media Search Index[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(7): 2365. (SCISSCIIF:2.849) (ESI1%高被引论文)

[28] 秦磊, 王奕丹, 苏治. 大规模数据下基于充分降维的Leverage重要性抽样方法[J]. 统计研究, 2020, 37(3): 114-128

[29] Zhang J, Yen Y C, Qin L, et al. Outcomes of Adjuvant Oral versus Intravenous Fluoropyrimidines for High-Risk Stage II or Stage III Colon Adenocarcinoma: A Propensity Score–Matched, Nationwide, Population-Based Cohort Study[J]. Journal of Cancer, 2020, 11(14): 4157-4165. (IF: 3.565)

[30] Zhang J, Qin L, Chen H M, et al. Overall survival, locoregional recurrence, and distant metastasis of definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy for cervical squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma: before and after propensity score matching analysis of a cohort study[J]. American Journal of Cancer Research, 2020, 10(6): 1808-1820. (IF:5.177)

[31] Zhang J, Qin L, Chen H M, et al. Outcome patterns of cervical adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma following curative surgery: before and after propensity score matching analysis of a cohort study[J]. American Journal of Cancer Research, 2020, 10(6): 1793-1807. (IF:5.177)

[32] Zhang J Q, Lu C Y, Qin L, et al. Outcome of post-mastectomy radiotherapy after primary systemic treatment in patients with different clinical tumor and nodal stages of breast cancer: a cohort study[J]. American Journal of Cancer Research, 2020, 10(7): 2185-2198. (IF:5.177)

[33] Liu W C, Liu H E, Kao Y W, Qin L, et al. Definitive radiotherapy or surgery for early oral squamous cell carcinoma in old and very old patients: A propensity-score-matched, nationwide, population-based cohort study[J]. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2020, 151: 214-221. (IF:4.856)

[34] Zhang J, Lu C Y, Qin L, et al. Breast-conserving surgery with or without irradiation in women with invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast receiving preoperative systemic therapy: A cohort study[J]. The Breast, 2020, 54: 139-147. (IF:3.754)

[35] Qin L, Wang Y, Sun Q, et al. Analysis of the COVID-19 Epidemic Transmission Network in Mainland China: K-Core Decomposition Study[J]. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2020, 6(4): e24291.

[36] Liu WC, Liu HE, Kao YW, Qin L, et al. Definitive intensitymodulated radiotherapy or surgery for early oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma: Propensityscorematched, nationwide, populationbased cohort study[J]. Head & Neck, 2020.

[37] Zeng Y L, Qin L, Wei W J, et al. Meta-omics characteristics of intestinal microbiota associated to HBeAg seroconversion induced by oral antiviral therapy[J]. Scientific reports, 2021, 11(1): 1-12.


[1] Bernard Marr. 智能大数据SMART准则:数据分析方法、案例和行动纲领[M]. 秦磊, 曹正凤译. 电子工业出版社, 2015.

[2] Omer Artun, Dominique Levin. 大数据时代营销人的变革:预测营销[M]. 曹正凤, 秦磊, 谢邦昌, 王淑燕译. 电子工业出版社, 2016.


[1] 大规模成分数据的分类算法及其应用研究,北京市自然科学基金青年项目

[2] 基于广义SICA惩罚函数的高维数据参数估计与变量选取研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目

[3] 异质性大数据下广义线性模型的MAXIMIN似然估计及其应用,全国统计科学研究重点项目

[4] 大数据下的统计方法创新研究及其应用,对外经济贸易大学惠园优秀青年学者项目

[5] 健康大数据的统计创新研究,对外经济贸易大学青年学术创新团队建设项目

[6] 大数据下重大传染病的监测和预警研究,对外经济贸易大学新冠肺炎疫情研究专项

[7] 重大传染病下稀缺物资的分配策略研究,对外经济贸易大学惠园杰出青年学者项目




